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What is final expense insurance

What is final expense insurance?

Final expense insurance is a type of life insurance intended to cover end-of-life expenses. These expenses can include the costs of burial, credit card debt, medical bills or any other debt you don’t want to leave your family and loved ones. Final expense insurance can also be used as burial insurance to help cover for funeral expenses.

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Three Types of Final Expense Insurance

There are three main types of final expense insurance, all of which are considered no medical exam life insurance

Simplified Issue Whole Life Insurance

Simplified issue whole life insurance can be a good option if you’re between the ages of 45-85 with policies up to $40,000 available. As the name insinuates, the process of getting covered by a simplified issue policy is much easier than a traditional term or whole policy as there’s no medical exam required. Instead, you only need to answer a questionnaire that includes questions about your medical history, health and lifestyle.

Simplified Issue Whole Life Insurance - Image content
Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance

Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance

With guaranteed issue whole life insurance, you are guaranteed coverage, making this a good option for those between the ages of 45-85 with face amounts up to $25,000. Just like simplified issue, guaranteed issue does not require a medical exam, but it also doesn’t require medical records, a database check or an additional questionnaire. Only a basic application is required to obtain guaranteed issue whole life insurance. It’s important to note that while guaranteed issue covers accidental death from day one, it does not cover death by natural causes within the first two years of coverage. In the event of a natural death within the first two years, your premiums should be paid back to your beneficiaries.

Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance can cover you despite future serious health issues—such as cancer, heart attacks or strokes—and there are specially designed policies for different conditions. Critical illness insurance doesn’t require a medical exam and can give you lifetime coverage, regardless of a future diagnosis. Your pay out following a diagnosis or serious health issue can help replace a regular income, pay for medical bills and more.

Critical Illness Insurance

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